OpenSD2025: 2nd Open-source Scientific Computing in Structural Dynamics Conference and Summer School
Fast evaluation of central moments for non-Gaussian random loads in vibration fatigue
3D Sound Radiation Reconstruction from Camera Measurements
Directional DIC method with automatic feature selection
Temperature-amplitude spectrum for early full-field vibration-fatigue-crack identification
Application of thermoelasticity in the frequency-domain multiaxial vibration-fatigue criterion
Frequency-dependent fatigue properties of additively manufactured PLA
Self-aware active metamaterial cell 3D-printed in a single process
Janko Slavič Named Head of the Laboratory for Dynamics of Machines and Structures (Ladisk)
On the experimental coupling with continuous interfaces using frequency based substructurings
Mode-shape magnification in high-speed camera measurements
Structural Dynamics: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
A hybrid modeling strategy for training data generation in machine learning-based structural health monitoring
Single-pixel optical-flow-based experimental modal analysis
Strain Experimental Modal Analysis of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam Based on the Thermoelastic Principle
Manufacturing of single-process 3D-printed piezoelectric sensors with electromagnetic protection using thermoplastic material extrusion
Simultaneous Non-Contact Identification of the Elastic Modulus, Damping and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in 3D-Printed Structures
Impact-Pose Estimation Using ArUco Markers in Structural Dynamics
OpenSD2023: 1st Open-source Scientific Computing in Structural Dynamics Conference and Summer School
Training artificial neural networks using substructuring techniques: Application to joint identification
Morlet-wave-based modal identification in the time domain
Accelerated vibration-fatigue characterization for 3D-printed structures: Application to fused-filament-fabricated PLA samples
Vibration fatigue by spectral methods-A review with open-source support
LEAP project - LEarning and demonstration Alliance for designing and manufacturing sustainable industrial Packaging from alternative lignocellulosic biomass
Design principles for a single-process 3D-printed stacked dielectric actuators — Theory and experiment
Modeling of single-process 3D-printed piezoelectric sensors with resistive electrodes: the low-pass filtering effect
Expansion of the dynamic strain field in 3D-printed structures using a hybrid modeling approach
Multi-level curvature-based parametrization and model updating using a 3D full-field response
Single-process 3D-printed stacked dielectric actuator
Estimation of the frequency response functions for operational assemblies using independent source characterization
Modal-interaction approach to the strong structural-acoustic coupling of an elastic Helmholtz resonator and an acoustic cavity containing a heavy fluid
System Equivalent Model Mixing: A Modal Domain Formulation
Characterization of sensor location variations in admittance-based TPA methods
Sensitivity-based characterization of the bias errors in frequency based substructuring
pyFBS: A Python package for Frequency Based Substructuring
An expansion based on System Equivalent Model Mixing: from a limited number of points to a full-field dynamic response
Single-Process 3D-Printed Triaxial Accelerometer
Single-process fused filament fabrication 3d-printed high-sensitivity dynamic piezoelectric sensor
Damping identification based on a high-speed camera
NOSTRADAMUS project has officialy started!
Single-process 3D-printed structures with vibration durability self-awareness
Full-field DIC-based model updating for localized parameter identification
Weakening of the multi-point constraints in modal substructuring using singular value decomposition
On the estimation of structural admittances from acoustic measurement using a dynamic substructuring approach
Laser-Light Speckle Formation for Deflection-Shape Identification Using Digital Image Correlation
High speed camera vibration fatigue analysis at 30.000 FPS
Assis. Prof. dr. Ivan Tomac MSCA IF grantee!
Short-time Fatigue-Life Estimation for Non-Stationary Processes Considering Structural Dynamics
Experimental framework for identifying inconsistent measurements in frequency-based substructuring
Design principles for a single-process 3d-printed accelerometer – theory and experiment
Still-camera multiview Spectral Optical Flow Imaging for 3D operating-deflection-shape identification
Near-to-node modal identification using multiple related response models
Full-field FRF estimation from noisy high-speed-camera data using a dynamic substructuring approach
New Elsevier release: Vibration Fatigue by Spectral Methods: From Structural Dynamics to Fatigue Damage – Theory and Experiments
Performance of the Expanded Virtual Point Transformation on a Complex Test Structure
Experimental Identification of the Dynamic Piezoresistivity of Fused-Filament-Fabricated Structures
Process parameters for FFF 3D-printed conductors for applications in sensors
Strain proportional damping in Bernoulli-Euler beam theory; Politecnico di Torino and University of Ljubljana collaboration
Thermoelasticity-based modal damage identification; Uni Perugia, Uni Padova and UL collaboration
Free online course on Python High-speed Image Based Experimental Modal Analysis & Open Source Tools
Nature Methods published article, co-authored by Prof. J. Slavič, is affirming the open-source effort of Ladisk:!
Harmonic Equivalence of the Impulse Loads in Vibration Fatigue
Including directly measured rotations in the virtual point transformation.
Structure-Borne Noise at PWM Excitation Using an Extended Field Reconstruction Method and Modal Decomposition
Frequency domain triangulation for full-field 3D operating-deflection-shape identification
Dynamic Measurements Using FDM 3D-Printed Embedded Strain Sensors                           
Vibration fatigue at half-sine impulse excitation in the time and frequency domains
Beckhoff donation of measurement and automation equipment
Experimental Modal Analysis on Full-Field DSLR Camera Footage Using Spectral Optical Flow Imaging
A review of continuous contact-force models in multibody dynamics
On multibody-system equilibrium-point selection during joint-parameter ...
On the performance of direct piezoelectric rotational accelerometers ...
A Smooth Contact-State Transition in a Dynamic Model of Rolling Bearings
An impedance tube submerged in a liquid for the low-frequency ...
Structural dynamics based end-of-line control of manufacturing process
Wear rate vs dynamic and material properties for a copper-graphite brush
Experimental research on structure-borne noise at PWM excitation
Full-field modal analysis using a DSLR camera
Electrical contact at high speed camera recording
Spectral Optical Flow Imaging
Non-Stationarity Index in Vibration Fatigue
Vibration fatigue using modal decomposition
The importance of harmonic versus random excitation for a human finger
A Sequential Approach to the Biodynamic Modeling of a Human Finger
Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation in a Pre-Stressed Large-Displacement Dynamical System
High frequency modal identification on noisy high-speed camera data
Damping heat coefficient – Theoretical and experimental research on ...
Full-degrees-of-freedom frequency based substructuring
The fastest commercial high speed camera