3 Ekvivalentnost harmonskih in impulznih obremenitev v vibracijskem utrujanju
P. Ogrinec,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)11-12, 631-640
2 Vibration fatigue at half-sine impulse excitation in the time and frequency domains
P. Ogrinec,
J. Slavič,
M. Česnik and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 123, June 2019, Pages 308-317
1 Introduction of Welds into the Dynamic Model of Laminated Structures
P. Ogrinec,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 64, February 2018, Pages 73-81
1 Developement of alternator dynamical model for identification of critical locations due to the vibration fatigue
Diploma thesis, LADISK, Faculty of Mech Eng, Univ of Ljubljana, August 2014