V enem procesu 3D natisnjeni dinamični senzorji, 2021-2024
Hibridne metode dinamičnega podstrukturiranja v industriji bele tehnike, 2019-2022
Polno zaznavanje prostorskih vibracij s hitro kamero z aplikacijami v digitalnih dvojčkih in oddaljenem zaznavanju, 2019-2022
Vodenje programa 'Mehanika v tehniki', 2019-2024
Promoviranje implementacije raziskovalnih in razvojnih projektov (TRL 3-6): MOTZART - Učinkoviti elektromotorji z razvojem ekspertnega sistema in novih tehnologij, 2018-2021
Slovenska strategija pametne specializacije: EVA4Green - Ekološko varno vozilo za zeleno mobilnost, 2016-2019
Slovenska strategija pametne specializacije:: IQdom - Inteligentni dom nove generacije s temelji na pametnih napravah in lesu, 2016-2019
Vodenje programa 'Mehanika v tehniki', 2015-2018
Vibracijsko utrujanje v avtomobilski industriji, 2014-2017
Pametni sistemi in strukturna dinamika, 2014-2017
Strukturna dinamika v avtomobilski industriji, 2010-2013
Sodelovanje v programu 'Mehanika v tehniki', 2009-2013
Digitalised Value Management for Unlocking the potential of the Circular Manufacturing Systems with integrated digital solutions (DICIM), 1.01.2023 - 31.12.2026, Horizont Europe
Učno-demonstracijska mreža za načrtovanje in izdelavo trajnostne industrijske embalaže iz alternativnih lignoceluloznih vlaken (LEAP), 1.10.2022 - 30.04.2024, Norway grants
Vision based reduced order modeling approach for operational parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic finite element models s KU Leuven (financirano s strani FWO/ARRS), 2020-2023
Best Training for Green and Silent Mobility Initial Training Network (ITN) No. 290050, financiran v sklopu FP7 Marie Curie programa EK. okt., 2011 - sept., 2015
Belt drives dynamics, MIRA – Mobilite Internationale Rhone-Alps. V sodelovanju s INSA-Institut National des Sciences Appliquee LYON, LAMCOS UMR 5259, Génie Mécanique Développement, 2007-2009
SImulation Methods in Vehicle VIbro-Acoustics, Marie Curie program, od aprila, 2006 do aprila 2010
Experimental modal analysis of assembled structures, V sodelovanju s IST – Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal, od 1. marca 2004 do 31. decembra 2006
Nonlinear dynamics of rotating machinery: design, control and condition monitoring, Projekt financiran s strani British Royal Society znotraj ESEP - European Science Exchange Programme, Joint projects. Sodelujoči partnerji: Uneversity of Aberdeen, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Centre for Applied Dynamics Research. Začetek: 1. oktober 2003, Trajanje: 24 mesecev
154 Amplitudni spekter temperature za zgodnje zaznavanje razpok v polnem polju zaradi vibracijskega utrujanja
M. Česnik and
J. Slavič
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024
153 Uporaba termoelastičnosti pri večosnem kriteriju vibracijskega utrujanja v frekvenčni domeni
J. Šonc,
K. Zaletelj and
J. Slavič
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024
151 Samozaznavna aktivna metamaterialna celica, natisnjena v enem procesu
T. Košir,
M. Zupan and
J. Slavič
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024
150 Eksperimentalno sklapljanje zveznih kontaktov v frekvenčnem prostoru
D. Ocepek,
F. Trainotti,
G. Čepon,
D.J. Rixen and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2024
149 Povečan prikaz lastnih oblik na posnetkih, pridobljenih s hitro kamero
K. Čufar,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2024
148 Strategija hibridnega modeliranja za generiranje učnih podatkov za namen spremljanja poškodovanosti struktur s strojnim učenjem
T. Vrtač,
D. Ocepek,
M. Česnik,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2023
147 Eksperimentalna modalna analiza na podlagi intenzitete slikovnih točk
I. Tomac,
J. Slavič and
D. Gorjup
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 202, November 2023, 110686
146 Deformacijska eksperimentalna modalna analiza Euler-Bernoullijevega nosilca na osnovi principa termoelastičnosti
K. Zaletelj,
J. Slavič,
J. Šonc and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2023
145 Izdelava 3D natisnjenega piezoelektričnega zaznavala z elektromagnetnim ščitom v enem procesu, z uporabo termoplastične ekstruzije materiala
T. Košir and
J. Slavič
Additive Manufacturing, 2023
144 Sočasna brezkontaktna identifikacija modula elastičnosti, dušenja in temperaturnega razteznostnega koeficienta 3D-tiskanih struktur
G. Krivic and
J. Slavič
Polymer Testing, 2023
142 Učenje nevronskih mrež z metodami dinamskega podstrukturiranja: Aplikacija za identifikacijo spojev
J. Korbar,
D. Ocepek,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023
141 Modalna identifikacija v časovni domeni na podlagi Morletovega integrala
I. Tomac and
J. Slavič
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 192, June 2023, 110243
140 Pospešena karakterizacija vibracijskega utrujanja 3D natisnjenih struktur: Aplikacija na PLA vzorce, izdelane z metodo ciljnega nalaganja
M. Česnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 171, June 2023
139 Vibracijsko utrujanje v spektralni domeni-pregled metod z odprtokodno podporo
A. Zorman,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 190, 1 May 2023, 2023
138 Konstrukcijski principi za v enem procesu 3D-natisnjen zložen dielektričen aktuator - teorija in eksperiment
T. Barši Palmić and
J. Slavič
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023
137 Modeliranje piezoelektričnih, v enem procesu 3D natisnjenih, zaznaval z električno upornimi elektrodami: efekt nizkopasovnega filtra
T. Košir and
J. Slavič
Polymers, 2023
136 Razširitev polja specifičnih deformacij 3D natisnjene strukture z metodo hibridnega modeliranja
M. Kodrič,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Measurement, 2023
135 Večnivojska parametrizacija na podlagi ukrivljenosti in posodabljanje modela z uporabo 3D-odziva polnega polja
K. Zaletelj,
D. Gorjup,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023
133 Predikcija frekvenčnih prenosnih funkcij sistemov v obratovalnih režimih na osnovi posredne karakterizacije vira vzbujanja
D. Ocepek,
T. Vrtač,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023
132 Pristop modalnega sklapljanja k močni interakciji fluid-struktura v sistemu elastičnega Helmholtzovega resonatorja in akustične votline s kapljevino
M. Oblak,
M. Pirnat and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022
131 Metoda mešanja ekvivalentnih modelov v modalni domeni
M. Pogačar,
D. Ocepek,
F. Trainotti,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022
130 Karakterizacija variacij lokacij zaznaval v metodah analize prenosnih poti
D. Ocepek,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022
129 Karakterizacija sistematičnih napak s občutljivostno analizo v okviru metode podstrukturiranja v frekvenčni domeni
G. Čepon,
D. Ocepek,
J. Korbar,
T. Bregar and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022
127 Dinamska razširitev z mešanjem ekvivalentnih modelov: od omejenega števila točk do polnega dinamskega odziva
M. Kodrič,
T. Bregar,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Measurement, 2022
125 3D tiskana dinamična piezoelektrična zaznavala visoke občutljivosti izdelana z metodo ciljnega nalaganja materiala
T. Košir and
J. Slavič
Additive Manufacturing, 102482, November 2021
124 Identifikacija dušenja na podlagi meritev s hitro kamero
I. Tomac and
J. Slavič
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 166, March 2022, 108485
123 3D natisnjene strukture s sposobnostjo samozavedanja vibracijske poškodovanosti
M. Palmieri,
J. Slavič and
F. Cianetti
Additive Manufacturing, Volume 47, 2021
122 Modelno posodabljanje lokaliziranih parametrov z uporabo metode korelacije digitalnih slik
K. Zaletelj,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 164, p. 108287, February 2022
121 Omilitev več-točkovnih povezav v modalnem podstrukturiranje z uporabo razcepa singularne vrednosti
M. Pogačar,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 163, p. 108109, January 2022
120 Merjenje strukturne admitance z akustičnimi merilnimi metodami v okviru metodologije dinamskega podstrukturiranja
D. Ocepek,
M. Kodrič,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Applied Acoustics, 2021
119 Identifikacija obratovalnih oblik s pomočjo korelacije digitalnih slik in lasersko-formiranega pikčastega vzorca
K. Zaletelj,
V. Agrež,
J. Slavič,
R. Petkovšek and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 161, p. 107899, December 2021
118 Časovno kratko vrednotenje vibracijske poškodbe pri nestacionarnem vzbujanju z ozirom na strukturno dinamiko
A. Zorman,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, 2021
117 Identifikacija nekonsistentnih meritev v frekvenčnem podstrukturiranju
M. Kodrič,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021
116 Konstrukcijski principi za enoprocesno izdelane 3d natisnjene pospeškomere - teorija in eksperiment
M. Arh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 152, p. 107475, May 2021
115 Slikanje spektralnih komponent z več pogledi za identifikacijo 3D obratovalnih oblik
D. Gorjup,
J. Slavič,
A. Babnik and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 152, p. 107456, May 2021
114 Identifikacija modalnih parametrov v bližini vozlov modalnih oblik z uporabo različnih tipov odzivnih modelov
M. Pogačar,
T. Bregar,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Measurement, 2020
113 Predikcija polnega polja FPF iz šumnih meritev hitre kamere z uporabo metode dinamskega podstrukturiranja
T. Bregar,
K. Zaletelj,
G. Čepon,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020
112 Primerjava razširjene in standardne transformacije virtualne točke na kompleksni testni strukturi
T. Bregar,
A. El Mahmoudi,
G. Čepon,
D. J. Rixen and
M. Boltežar
Experimental Techniques, August 2020
111 Eksperimentalna identifikacija dinamične piezoupornosti struktur izdelanih s ciljnim nalaganjem
M. Arh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Additive Manufacturing, 36:101493, December 2020
110 Procesni parametri za FFF 3D natisnjene prevodnike za aplikacije v senzoriki
T. Barši Palmić,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Sensors (2020), 20(16), 4542
109 Dušenje proporcionalno deformaciji v Bernoulli-Eulerjevi teoriji nosilca
D. Lisitano,
J. Slavič,
E. Bonisoli and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2020)
106 Ekvivalentnost harmonskih in impulznih obremenitev v vibracijskem utrujanju
P. Ogrinec,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)11-12, 631-640
105 Including directly measured rotations in the virtual point transformation
T. Bregar,
N. Holeček,
G. Čepon,
D. J. Rixen and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, p. 106440, October 2019
104 Frekvenčna triangulacija za identifikacijo polnega polja prostorskih obratovalnih oblik
D. Gorjup,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 133, p. 106287, August 2019
103 Simuliranje strukturnega hrupa pri PWM vzbujanju s pomočjo razširjene metode rekonstrukcije magnetnega polja in modalne dekompozicije
J. Luznar,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)9, 471-481, August 2019
102 Dynamic Measurements Using FDM 3D-Printed Embedded Strain Sensors
M. Maurizi,
J. Slavič,
F. Cianetti,
M. Jerman,
J. Valentinčič,
A. Lebar and
M. Boltežar
Sensors, Volume 19, June 12 2019, Article #2661
101 Vibration fatigue at half-sine impulse excitation in the time and frequency domains
P. Ogrinec,
J. Slavič,
M. Česnik and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 123, June 2019, Pages 308-317
100 Experimental Modal Analysis on Full-Field DSLR Camera Footage Using Spectral Optical Flow Imaging
J. Javh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 434, 2018, Pages 213-220
99 A review of continuous contact-force models in multibody dynamics
L. Skrinjar,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Volume 145, September 2018, Pages 171-187
98 On multibody-system equilibrium-point selection during joint-parameter identification: A numerical and experimental analysis
G. Čepon,
J. Rogelj,
L. Knez and
M. Boltežar
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 128, October 2018, Pages 287–297
97 On the performance of direct piezoelectric rotational accelerometers in experimental structural dynamics
A. Drozg,
J. Rogelj,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Measurement, Volume 127, October 2018, Pages 292–298
96 A Smooth Contact-State Transition in a Dynamic Model of Rolling-Element Bearings
M. Razpotnik,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 430, 15 September 2018, Pages 196–213
95 An impedance tube submerged in a liquid for the low-frequency transmission-loss measurement of a porous material
M. Oblak,
M. Pirnat and
M. Boltežar
Applied Acoustics, Volume 139, October 2018, Pages 203-212
94 Experimental research on structure-borne noise at pulse-width-modulation excitation
J. Luznar,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Applied Acoustics, Volume 137, August 2018, Pages 33-39
93 Introduction of Welds into the Dynamic Model of Laminated Structures
P. Ogrinec,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 64, February 2018, Pages 73-81
92 Wear Rate vs Dynamic and Material Properties at Elevated Temperatures for a Copper-Graphite Brush
A. Turel,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 64 (3), February 2018, Pages 169-175
91 Measuring full-field displacement spectral components using photographs taken with a DSLR camera via an analogue Fourier integral
J. Javh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 100, p. 17-27, Feb 2018
90 Vibration fatigue using modal decomposition
M. Mršnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 98, p. 548-556, Jan 2018
89 High frequency modal identification on noisy high-speed camera data
J. Javh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 98, p. 344-351, Jan 2018
88 Non-Stationarity Index in Vibration Fatigue: Theoretical and Experimental Research
L. Capponi,
M. Česnik,
J. Slavič,
F. Cianetti and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 104, November 2017, Pages 221-230
87 The importance of harmonic versus random excitation for a human finger
J. Slavič,
L. Knez and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 131-132, p. 507-515, Oct 2017
86 A Sequential Approach to the Biodynamic Modeling of a Human Finger
L. Knez,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Shock and Vibration, Vol. 2017, Article ID8791406, Aug 2017
85 Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation in a Pre-Stressed Large-Displacements Dynamical System
L. Skrinjar,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 63, p. 417-425, Jul 2017
83 The effort of the dynamic simulation on the fatigue damage evaluation of flexible mechanical systems loaded by non-Gaussian and non stationary loads
F. Cianetti,
M. Palmieri,
J. Slavič,
C. Braccesi and
G. Morettini
International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 103, October 2017, Pages 60–72
82 Full-degrees-of-freedom frequency based substructuring
A. Drozg,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 98, 1 January 2018, Pages 570-579
81 Coupled thermo-structural analysis of a bimetallic strip using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation
G. Čepon,
B. Starc,
B. Zupančič and
M. Boltežar
Multibody System Dynamics, 2017
79 Electrical contact resistance and wear of a dynamically excited metal-graphite brush
A. Turel,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Advances in Mechanical Engineering (2017), Vol. 9, Num. 3, p. 1-8
78 A mixed-contact formulation for a dynamics simulation of flexible systems: an integration with model-reduction techniques
B. Starc,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 393, April 2017, Pages 145-156
76 The Subpixel Resolution of Optical-Flow-Based Modal Analysis
J. Javh,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 88, p. 89–99, May 2017
75 The influence of washing machine-leg hardness on its dynamics response within component-mode synthesis techniques
B. Starc,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 127, July 2017, Pages 23-30
74 Design of damping layout using spatial-damping identification methods
M. Brumat,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 127, July 2016, Pages 41-46
73 Assessment of the Fatigue Parameters from Random Vibration Testing: Application to a Rivet Joint
M. Česnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 62, Issue 7-8, 2016, Pages 471-482
72 Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform for Damping Identification
M. Mihalec,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 80, 1 December 2016, Pages 324-334
71 Spatial damping identification in the frequency domain - A Theoretical and Experimental Comparison
M. Brumat,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 376:182 - 193, 2016
70 Multiaxial Vibration Fatigue - A Theoretical and Experimental Comparison
M. Mršnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volumes 76–77, August 2016, Pages 409-423
69 Vibration-Fatigue Damage Accumulation for Structural Dynamics with Non-linearities
U. Proso,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 106 (2016): 72-77
68 The influence of bearing stiffness on the vibration properties of statically overdetermined gearboxes
M. Razpotnik,
T. Bischof and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 351, 1 September 2015, Pages 221-235
67 Identification of Out-of-Plane Material Characteristics through Sheet-Metal Blanking
Š. Bolka,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 61(2015)4, 217-226
66 Multiaxial Fatigue Criteria for Random Stress Response - Theoretical and Experimental Comparison
M. Mršnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Procedia Engineering, Volume 101, 2015, Pages 459-466
65 An interface force measurements-based substructure identification and an analysis of the uncertainty propagation
J.Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volumes 56–57, May 2015, Pages 2-14
64 A comparison of the strain and the classic experimental modal analysis
T. Kranjc,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Vibration and Control, published online 29 April 2014
63 Fatigue Damage for Sweep-Sine and Random Accelerated Vibration Testing
V. Pahor Kos,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Advances in Mechanical Engineering ID 340545
62 Minimization of the positional errors for an accurate determination of the kinematic parameters of a rigid-body system with miniature inertial sensors
J.Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 81, November 2014, Pages 193-208
61 Vibrational Fatigue and Structural Dynamics for Harmonic and Random Loads
M. Česnik and
J. Slavič
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 60, Issue 5, 2014, Pages 339-348
60 Tuned-Sinusoidal Method for the Operational Modal Analysis of Small and Light Structures
D. Rovšček,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 60, Issues 3, 2014, Pages 187–194
59 Evaluation of the Young's Modulus of Rubber-Like Materials Bonded to Rigid Surfaces with Respect to Poisson's Ratio
D. Koblar,
J. Škofic and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 60, Issue 7-8, 2014, Pages 506-511
58 Parametric Study of a Permanent-Magnet Stepper Motor’s Stepping Accuracy Potential
J. Škofic,
D. Koblar and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 60, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 255-264
57 Structural-acoustic model of a rectangular plate-cavity system with an attached distributed mass and internal sound source: theory and experiment
G.Čepon and
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 333, Issue 7, 31 March 2014, Pages 2003-2018
56 A novel laboratory blanking apparatus for the experimental identification of blanking parameters
J. Slavič,
S. Bolka,
V. Bratuš and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 507-513
55 The mass normalisation of the displacement and strain mode shapes in a strain experimental modal analysis using the mass-change strategy
T. Kranjc,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 332, Issue 26, 23 December 2013, Pages 6968-6981
54 Evaluation of the frequency-dependent Young’s modulus and damping factor of rubber from experiment and their implementation in a finite-element analysis
D. Koblar and
M. Boltežar
Experimental Techniques, published online 11 November 2013
53 Numerical Modeling of the Rotor Movement in a Permanent-Magnet Stepper Motor
J. Škofic and
M. Boltežar
IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 155 – 163
52 A Generalized Magnetostrictive-Forces Approach to the Computation of the Magnetostriction-Induced Vibration of Laminated Steel Structures
M. Javorski,
G. Čepon,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 11, November 2013
51 Frequency-based structural modification for the case of base excitation
M. Česnik,
J. Slavič,
P. Čermelj and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 332, Issue 20, 30 September 2013, Pages 5029–5039
50 Operational mode-shape normalisation with a structural modification for small and light structures
D. Rovšček,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 42, Issues 1–2, January 2014, Pages 1–13
49 A Thick Anisotropic Plate Element in the Framework of an Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation
J. Slavič and
Nonlinear Dynamics, July 2013, Volume 73, Issue 1-2, pp 183-198
48 Absolute Nodal Coordinates in Digital Image Correlation
J. Slavič and
Experimental Mechanics, June 2013, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 807-818
47 The use of strain sensors in an experimental modal analysis of small and light structures with free-free boundary conditions
D. Rovšček,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, Volume 19, Issue 7, May 2013, Pages 1072-1079
46 Introduction of the linear contact model in the dynamic model of laminated structure dynamics: an experimental and numerical identification
M. Pirnat,
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 64, Pages 144–154
45 A Multi-Axis Biodynamic Measuring Handle for a Human Hand-Arm System
L. Knez,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 59, Issue 2, FEB 2013, Pages 71-80
44 Frequency-Domain Methods for a Vibration-Fatigue-Life Estimation - Application to Real Data
M. Mršnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 47, p. 8-17, 2013
43 Frequency Characteristics of Magnetostriction in Electrical Steel Related to the Structural Vibrations
M. Javorski,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 48, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 4727–4734
42 Uninterrupted and accelerated vibrational fatigue testing with simultaneous monitoring of the natural frequency and damping
J. Slavič and
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 331, Issue 24, 19 November 2012, Pages 5370–5382
41 An advanced nonlinear model of a low-g mems accelerometer for a computer pen
J. Žumer,
D. Reynaerts and
M. Boltežar
Measurement, 2012, Volume 45, Issue 3, April 2012, Pages 459-468
40 Experimental validation of a complex, large-scale, rigid-body mechanism
J. Slavič and
Engineering Structures, March 2012 vol. 36, Pages 220-227
39 Development of a liquid-flow pulsator
I.Bajsić and
J. Slavič
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol 23, Issue 1, Mar 2012, Pages 1–8
38 Improved model of a ball bearing for the simulation of vibration signals due to faults during run-up
M.Tadina and
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330, Issue 17, 15 August 2011, Pages 4287–4301
37 Validation of a Flexible Multibody Belt-Drive Model
G. Čepon,
L. Manin and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 57, Issues 7-8, May 2011, Pages 539-546
36 Typical bearing-fault rating using force measurements: application to real data
J. Slavič,
A. Brković and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Vibration and Control, December 2011 vol. 17 no. 14 2164-2174
35 Damping identification with the Morlet-wave
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2011, Volume 25, Issue 5, July 2011, Pages 1632-1645
34 Measuring Dynamic Loads on a Foldable City Bicycle
M. Pirnat,
Z. Savšek and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 57, Issue 1, JAN 2011, Pages 21-26
33 Experimental identification of the contact parameters between a V-ribbed belt and a pulley
G. Čepon,
L. Manin and
M. Boltežar
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 45, Issue 10, October 2010, Pages 1424-1433
32 Characterization of the Dynamic Behaviour of a Basketball Goal Mounted on a Ceiling
M. Javorski,
P. Čermelj and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 56, Issues 7-8, July-August 2010, Pages 505-510
31 On the modeling of vibration transmission over a spatially curved cable with casing
M. Otrin and
M. Boltežar
J. Sound Vib., 2009, Issues 4-5, Vol. 325, 798-815
30 Introduction of damping into flexible multibody belt-drive model
G. Čepon,
L.Manin and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 324, Issues 1-2, 10 July 2009, Pages 283-296
29 Spatial-mode-shape identification using a continuous wavelet transform
M. Česnik,
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 55, 5, May 2009, Pages 277-285
28 The influence of the coordinate reduction on the identification of the joint dynamic properties
D. Čelič and
M. Boltežar
Mech. syst. signal process., Volume 23, Issue 4, May 2009, Pages 1260-1271
27 Identification of the dynamic properties of joints using frequency–response functions
D. Čelič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 317, Issues 1-2, 21 October 2008, Pages 158-174
26 Characterization of the vibrations and structural noise of a suction unit's cover
J. Žumer,
A. Biček and
M. Boltežar
Strojniški vestnik = Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008, Volume 54, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 883-891
25 Dynamics of a belt-drive system using a linear complementarity problem for the belt–pulley contact description
G. Čepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 319, Issues 3–5, 23 January 2009, Pages 1019-1035
23 Vibration Analysis of an Alternator's Rectifier
V. Pahor Kos,
M. Furlan,
M. Berce and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mech Eng., 2007, vol. 53, 10, 714-725
22 A new approach to roughness-induced vibrations on a slider
J. Slavič,
M.D. Bryant and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 306, Issues 3-5, 9 October 2007, Pages 732-750
21 Damped lateral vibrations of straight and curved cables with no axial pre-load
M. Otrin and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, vol. 300, Issues 3-5, 676-694
20 Computing the dynamic response of an axially moving continuum
G. Cepon and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, vol 300, is 1-2, 316-329
19 Simulating Multibody Dynamics With Rough Contact Surfaces and Run-in Wear
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol 45, Num 3-4, August 2006, 353 - 365
18 Modelling localised nonlinearities using the harmonic nonlinear super model
P. Cermelj and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, vol. 298, 4-5, 1099-1112
16 Measuring the dynamic forces to identify the friction of a graphite-copper contact for variable temperature and current
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Wear, Vol 260, Issues 9-10, May 2006, 1136-1144
15 Non-linearity and non-smoothness in multi-body dynamics : application to woodpecker toy
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2006, vol 220, issue 3, 285-296
13 Modelling and analyzing the dynamics of an electric-motor brush
J. Slavič,
M. Nastran and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mech Eng., 2006, vol 52, issue 2, 126-137
11 Enhancements to the continuous wavelet transform for damping identifications on short signals
M. Boltežar and
J. Slavič
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Sep 2004, Volume 18, Issue 5, p. 1065-1076
10 An indirect approach to investigating the dynamics of a structure containing ball bearings
P. Čermelj and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 276, Issues 1–2, 6 September 2004, Pages 401-417
9 On the optimality during parameter identification
M. Boltežar and
N. Jaksić
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 275, Issues 1–2, 6 August 2004, Pages 331-349
8 Fault detection in DC electro motors using the continuous wavelet transform
M. Boltežar,
I. Simonovski and
M. Furlan
Meccanica, 2003, vol. 38, is. 2, 251-264
7 The norms and variances of the Gabor, Morlet and general harmonic wavelet functions
I. Simonovski and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 264, Issue 3, 10 July 2003, Pages 545-557
6 A coupled electromagnetic-mechanical-acoustic model of a DC electric motor
M. Furlan,
A. Černigoj and
M. Boltežar
Compel, 2003, vol 22, is 4, 1155-1165
5 Damping identification using a continuous wavelet transform: application to real data
J. Slavič,
I. Simonovski and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 262, Issue 2, 24 April 2003, Pages 291-307
4 Enhanced identification of damping using continuous wavelet transform
J. Slavič and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mech Eng., 2002, Vol 48, Issue 11, 621-631
3 Parameter identification for single-degree-of-freedom dynamic systems
N. Jaksić and
M. Boltežar
Journal of Mech. Eng., 2002, vol 48, is. 6, 302-317
2 Bispectral analysis of the cutting process
I. Simonovski,
M. Boltežar,
J. Gradišek,
E. Govekar,
I. Grabec and
A. Kuhelj
Mechanical system and signal processing, 2002, vol 16, is 6, 1093-1104
1 Measurement of the bending vibration frequencies of a rotating turbo wheel using an optical fibre reflective sensor
J. Slavič,
P. Čermelj,
A. Babnik,
J. Rejec,
J. Možina and
M. Boltežar
Measurement Science and Technology, 2002, vol. 13, 4, 477-482